Pro Exzellenzia plus

Photo by CoWomen on Unsplash
Pro Exzellenzia plus is seeking to significantly and sustainably increase the proportion of women in executive positions in Hamburg. The scholarship is aimed at female doctoral candidates (cis and trans) in the fields of STEM, art, music, and architecture who seek a leading position in science, business, administration, and other institutions.
The goal is to strengthen women in their career planning with a tailored qualification program consisting of coaching, workshops/online workshops, counseling, a network of scholarship holders, and lecture events, and to provide them with interdisciplinary qualifications.
Scholarship announcement for the year 2024
We are inviting applications for 1.5 scholarships (12 and 6 months duration as of 01.01.2024) for female PhD students (cis and trans women) of the MIN faculty of the Universität Hamburg under the program. Please note that all workshops and seminars are given in German. Therefore, good language skills in German on B2 level are recommended.
The deadline for applications is 31.10.2023. Please see the application criteria in the announcement (pdf in German).
More information on the Hamburg Career Competence Center Pro Exzellenzia plus:
The project „Pro Exzellenzia 4.0“ is funded by the European Social Fund ESF and the „Behörde für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Gleichstellung der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg“.
Project duration 01.04.2021-31.12.2024.