MIN Faculty Research Centers
Research Facilities
Center in Hamburg for Astro-, Mathematical and Particle Physics (CHAMPP)
CHAMPP (§92(1) HmbHG)
Newly established in 2018 based on the Cluster of Excellence application “Das Quantisierte Universum“.
Research buildings
(structural facilities with a special research field)
Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL)
The center was founded by DESY, Universität Hamburg and the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft to make the most of the interdisciplinary possibilities of the radiation sources at DESY - PETRA III, FLASH and, in the future, European XFEL. With these new light sources, researchers can observe and analyze dynamic processes and structural changes of atoms, molecules, solids, plasmas and biological systems in real time.
Centre for Structural Systems Biology (CSSB)
The DESY campus in Hamburg is home to the Centre for Structural Systems Biology (CSSB), an interdisciplinary center with partners from various universities and research institutes. Their common goal is to unravel the attack mechanisms of pathogens with atomic precision in order to be able to design individualized medicaments against them.
Center for Optical Quantum Technologies (ZOQ)
The ZOQ is a part of the Institute for Laser Physics of the Department of Physics at Universität Hamburg. It´s mission is to perform fundamental research at the forefront of modern quantum science, with the perspective of developing future quantum technologies. The research areas range from quantum optics and ultracold quantum matter to the control of the dynamics of quantum many-body problems. The center combines cutting-edge research in theory and experiment to discover and design new states of quantum matter.
The Center of Hybrid Nanostructures (CHyN)
The Center of Hybrid Nanostructures is part of the Institute for Nanostructure and Solid State Physics (INF) at Universität Hamburg (UHH). Up to eight research groups of the Institute of Nanostructure and Solid State Physics (INF) can work here. In an interdisciplinary approach, scientists from physics, chemistry, biology and medicine investigate nanostructures.
Hamburg Advanced Research Centre for Bioorganic Chemistry (HARBOR)
The Hamburg Advanced Research Centre for Bioorganic Chemistry (HARBOR) is an interdisciplinary research building that hosts research ranging from theoretical studies on fundamental aspects of molecular properties and dynamics to applied structural biology studies of proteins. HARBOR involves the Cluster of Excellence "CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter" and various institutes of the Department of Chemistry and the Department of Physics. The central research goal is to develop tools and technologies that enable time-resolved structural studies to understand how (bio)macromolecular systems function. By improving our understanding of structure-function dynamics, especially in proteins, HARBOR will provide the fundamental scientific knowledge needed to develop new drugs, sensors, and environmentally friendly industrial processes.
Institutions with special tasks
(in the thematic environment of the faculty)
Loki Schmidt Haus
Loki Schmidt Haus is a museum for crop plants of Universität Hamburg, at the Biozentrum Klein Flottbek.
Herbarium Hamburgense
The herbarium of Universität Hamburg is a scientific plant collection with about 1.8 million specimens. The archive is used for taxonomic, phylogenetic-systematic and ecological rese-arch.
Loki Schmidt Garden (Botanical Garden)
The new UHH Botanical Garden includes an outdoor area in Klein Flottbek and the Dammtor tropical greenhouses. The Loki Schmidt Garden is a central facility of the university.
Microalgae and Zygnematophyceae Collection Hamburg (MZCH)
The MZCG maintains a living collection of microalgae (MZCH, Microalgae and Zygne-matophyceae Collection Hamburg) with over 550 strains. The main focus of the collection are about 520 cultures of Zygnematophyceae (Conjugatophyceae) with isolates from diverse global locations.
Cooperations of Universität Hamburg / MIN
Partnership for Innovation, Education and Research (PIER)
PIER is the strategic partnership between DESY and Universität Hamburg ("Partnership for Innovation, Education and Research"). It is a future-oriented collaboration between two strong partners in the Hamburg metropolitan area which aim to jointly promote top-level education, research and innovation. PIER focuses on the following research fields: Particle and Astroparticle Physics, Nanosciences, Photon Science and Infection and Structural Biology. Additional interdisciplinary areas include Theory of Physics (Wolfgang Pauli Centre) and Accelerator Research (Voss-Wideröe-Centre).
Interfaculty facilities
Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker-Centre for Science and Peace Research (ZNF)
The center conducts scientific and interdisciplinary research and teaching. The ZNF is financially supported by all faculties of Universität Hamburg. Its goal is to link its own primarily natural science research with peace research in the faculties and to provide a site for their productive interdisciplinary work.
The MIN faculty oversees and manages the ZNF operationally on behalf of all faculties.
Cooperations and research topics of the Departments
Hamburg School of Food Science
HSFS (Food chemistry)
The overall goal of the HSFS is to create an internationally competitive and visible research platform to increase knowledge in the field of food sciences and related areas.
Research Unit Sustainability & Global Change
FNU (Earth Sciences)
The Research Unit Sustainability and Global Change is engaged in multidisciplinary research and teaching on human-induced environmental change. The research aims to promote the understanding of sustainable development and its environmental quality, economic efficiency and social justice.
Hamburger Zentrum für Versicherungswissenschaft
HZV (Mathematics)
The Hamburger Zentrum für Versicherungswissenschaft (HZV) is an interdisciplinary center for insurance science research and teaching at Universität Hamburg.
Virtual centers/research sites/
cooperations of MIN departments
Center for Bioinformatics (ZBH)
ZBH (between the Department of Informatics and the TUHH)
With three research groups (Genome Informatics, Biomolecular Modeling and Algorithmic Molecular Design) and two junior research groups (Applied Chemical Informatics and Molecular Design) from the Departments of Biology, Chemistry and Informatics, the ZBH covers a wide range of topics in molecular bioinformatics in research and teaching. The aim of bioinformatics is to develop and apply computational methods for life science research.
Lothar Collatz Center for Computing in Science
(between the Department of Informatics and the TUHH)
The Lothar Collatz Center for Computing in Science lays the foundation for transferring methods and tools from Mathematics and Computer Sciences to the simulation-based sciences, and the other way around -- stimulates application oriented basic research in Mathematics and Computer Science through highly complex modern applications with large social impact.
Center for Mathematical Physics (ZMP)
ZMP (between the department of Mathematics, the department of Physics and DESY)
The Center for Mathematical Physics Hamburg is a joint project of DESY, the Departments of Physics and Mathematics of Universität Hamburg. It was founded in December 2004. Its goal is to promote activities in mathematical physics in Hamburg. The focus is on mathematical aspects of string theory and quantum field theory.
Technology Transfer
Hamburger Informatik-Technologie-Center e.V. (HITEC)
HITeC is a registered association, financed by members of the Department of Computer Sci-ence. The incorporated association is linked to Universität Hamburg by means of a cooperative contract.