International Events
Events 2025
Osaka-Hamburg Symposium 2025: Strengthening Collaboration in Quantum Research
The Osaka-Hamburg Symposium 2025 will take place on February 18–19, 2025, with the goal of fostering future research collaboration between Osaka University in Japan and the University of Hamburg in Germany.
The symposium is part of Osaka University’s Pioneering Quantum Beam Application (PQBA) doctoral program. Contributions from all areas of quantum science are welcome. We look forward to valuable insights and discussions that will drive advancements in quantum beam research.
Location: CFEL at the DESY Campus or online
Further details about the event and registration can be found on the event page and in the flyer.
Archive: Events 2024
Presentation - Q&A Session - Discussion with Luca Mössinger
Beyond the Fukushima Disaster: Its Lasting Consequences and What to learn from it for the future
05.12.2024, 18:30 – 19:30
Further information can be found in the invitation. Registration before November 30, 2024 at: international"AT"
Photo: TEPCO (Fukushima reactor)/ UHH:Gorlt (Presentation)
Workshop and Field Trip programme at Osaka University
Prof. Masaharu Nomachi, Head of the European Centre for Academic Initiatives at Osaka University in Groningen who visited the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences (MIN), UHH for the second time in June 2024 has selected two students and a doctoral researcher from the Department of Physics of the MIN Faculty/UHH to participate in a workshop and a field trip programme at Osaka University from 9 - 17 September 2024.
UHH supports this study-related stay in Osaka by covering flight costs and the Osaka University' s support for local expenses will give Luca Mössinger, Florian Rickert and Fabian Zwemke (picture below) the opportunity to participate in the Hamadohri Environmental Radiation School Workshop, the Climate change workshop and the Radiation measurements at Osaka University. They will also present their technical ideas on climate change and sustainability.
Mössinger, Rickert and Zwemke met up with Dr. Janie Wermter, the Advisor for International Affairs of the MIN Faculty for a briefing on international culture and the programme framework for the workshop and field trip to Osaka University.
The MIN Faculty and UHH wish the three MIN/UHH members a lot of success and a fruitful experience during their study-related stay in Osaka!
Further information in the program report

Visit by Prof. Masaharu Nomachi, Osaka University at the MIN Faculty
Prof. Masaharu Nomachi, Head of the European Centre for Academic Initiatives at Osaka University in Groningen visited the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Universität Hamburg for the second time for a follow-up of his last visit in December 2023.
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hillert, Dr. Janie Wermter, Antje Kratzschner, Dr. Thore Posske received Prof. Nomachi in the MIN-deanery. The focus of the meeting was the planning of the next symposium on Quantum Science in November/December 2024 or in February 2025 in Hamburg and the participation of MIN/UHH students and doctoral researchers in the workshop and field trip held at Osaka University, Fukushima School for environmental radiation in September 2024.
A remote meeting between representatives and researchers from Osaka University and MIN/UHH will take place shortly in order to discuss details of the coordination and organization of the planned symposium as well as the participation of MIN/UHH students and doctoral researchers in the workshop and field trip at Osaka University.

GATE-Germany: Successful international university marketing on a small budget - June 2024
The online workshop (via BigBlueButton) is designed to enable participants to improve international university marketing at their university or in their field of work with a small personnel and cost expenditure.
The sessions consist of:
- Identification and discussion of the current situation, i.e. existing marketing measures. The aim is to identify where personnel and financial resources can be released.
- Developing solutions to reach the desired goals and target groups even more effectively in the future. The basis for this is the "Student Journey", which is used to develop specific marketing measures. Based on this, the participants receive up-to-date input and concrete suggestions regarding international student recruitment (e.g. via marketing automation, search engine optimization, social media ads and AI tools).
- Development of a marketing plan. This should mark the beginning of transformation within the respective university so that the participants can initiate optimization measures directly after the workshop.
Date: June 25 - June 26, 2024, 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Location: online
MIN participant: Dr. Janie Wermter
HSI-Monitor-Workshop - Data-based creation and implementation of internationalization strategies at German universities - June 2024
The HSI-Monitor-Online-Workshop (via WebEx) is aimed at people who are involved in the development or implementation of their university's internationalization strategy and have some prior expertise in this area.
The aim of the workshop is to:
- present the specific characteristics of internationalization strategies at German universities.
- offer the opportunity to build on existing knowledge using current data and methods in order to develop a robust and targeted strategy for your institution.
- to help develop an understanding of how the HSI Monitor data can be used in the design and monitoring of internationalization strategies.
- to provide an opportunity to share experiences through practical examples and subsequent discussions.
Date: Thursday, June 13, 2024, 9:15 to 11:45 CEST
Location: online
MIN participant: Dr. Janie Wermter
Internationalization in the ZIM - opportunities and experiences - June 2024
The online webinar (via GoToWebinar) aims to inform participants with short presentations about funding opportunities for international initiatives through the Central Innovation Program for SMEs (ZIM) More information can be found on ZIM's website.
The ZIM:
- actively promotes the internationalization of innovation projects. SMEs and research institutions benefit from improved conditions for international cooperation projects and international innovation networks.
- supports the participants with increased funding quotas and bilateral and multilateral tenders with more than 20 partner countries.
- is also committed to its proven bottom-up approach for international projects. Cooperations are generally possible with any country.
Date: Monday, June 10, 2024, 11:30 to 12:30 CEST
Location: online
MIN participant: Dr. Janie Wermter
HSI Monitor for advanced users - February 2024
The MIN Faculty took part in the DAAD Online seminar "HSI Monitor for advanced users"on February 29.
The advanced training seminar deepens the knowledge gained in the introduction seminar through practical exercises from everyday university work. Participants could find out about
- trends in higher education internationality,
- evaluation and dowload data on various aspects of higher education internationalization in the HSI Monitor,
- options the HSI Monitor offers to support the monitoring and strategic planning of internationalization measures at the own university.
MIN participant: Dr. Janie Wermter
Archive: Events 2023
Visit by Prof. Masaharu Nomachi, Osaka University at the MIN Faculty
On Monday, 11 December 2023, Prof. Masaharu Nomachi, Head of the European Centre for Academic Initiatives at Osaka University in Groningen visited the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences at Universität Hamburg. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hilllert, Vice Dean for Research, International Affairs and Transfer, Dr. Janie Wermter, MIN Advisor for Internationalization and Promotion of doctoral and young Research Scientists, and Gero Hemker, UHH Team Head for Strategic University Partnerships in Asia, welcomed Prof. Nomachi.
Prior to Prof Nomachi's visit, an online symposium on Quantum Science and a virtual poster competition for Master's and PhD students took place in March 2022.
The focus of Prof. Manochi's visit to MIN in December 2023 is on consolidating existing collaborations and presenting programmes and opportunities for cooperation between Osaka University and MIN for students and researchers: the online poster competition for Master's and PhD students, exchange opportunities for students and PhD students as part of the doctoral programme "Pioneering Quantum Beam Application" (PQBA), the Scientific Empowerment Programme for International Students FrontierLab@OsakaU, the Fukushima School for environmental radiation: field trips for international student groups to Fukushima for research purposes, the Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Inochi Forum: A Forum for Creating Future Society for All Live.
A further meeting between representatives and researchers from Osaka University and MIN/UHH to discuss future cooperation activities is already planned for 2024.
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The TRiSTAR-Hamburg Forum is a collaboration with the International Coordinator at the Universität Hamburg and the University Research Administrators at the University of Tsukuba and offers a programme for young researchers who want to engage in international cooperation in various fields.
The forum will take place online on 27 and 28 November.
Representative of MIN: Dr. Janie Wermter
(Re)energize your career with BCF on 23 November in Ghent!
The BCF Career Event for Life Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Food Chemistry) will be taking place on 23 November in Ghent ICC.
It's the perfect opportunity to discover new job opportunities. You are invited to meet with representatives of the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences (MIN), Universität Hamburg at the BCF Career Event if you want to find out more about doctoral programs, post-doctoral positions, and research funding.
Contact and coordinator for MIN: Dr. Janie Wermter
DAAD funded program: „Study Visits of Students from Ecuador to Hamburg“
As part of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) project „Study Visits for Groups of foreign Students to Germany“ the MIN Faculty hosted students of Food Chemistry and Engineering from Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL), Ecuador at Universität Hamburg (UHH) on the 17th and 18th of October 2023.
This DAAD program, which is financed by Federal Foreign Office helps to promote international exchange and cooperation in the long run.
We would like to thank the Hamburg School of Food Science (HSFS) – Institute of Food Chemistry (UHH) for hosting the group of EPSOL students and for the interesting subject-related presentations in the field of food chemistry: Prof. Dr. Markus Fischer and Prof. Dr. Maria Buchweitz (Food Chemistry), Prof. Dr. Agnes Weiß (Food Microbiology), Prof. Dr. Stephan Seifert (Chemometrics / Bioinformatics), Dr. Marina Creydt (Food Chemistry / Proteomics / Metabolomics), Nils Wax (Food Chemistry / Genomics), Marie-Sophie Müller (Food Chemistry / Isotopolomics). We thank Marie Oest for contributing to the program set up at HSFS and for organizing the institute tour with Nils Wax. It was a pleasure to welcome the EPSOL group to the MIN Faculty, Universität Hamburg, to attend the subject-related presentations by the HSFS professors and doctoral students. Prof. Dr. Annette Eschenbach, Vice Dean of the MIN Faculty and Diana Coello Montoya, Msc. Ingeniería en Alimentos an der Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL), Dr. Janie Wermter, Advisor for Internationalization and Promotion of doctoral and early Career researchers had auspicious discussions about potential areas of future collaborations.
Coordinator: Dr. Janie Wermter
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Hamburg Networking Conference 2023 (HNC)
Universität Hamburg will host the third Hamburg Networking Conference (HNC) from 20 September - 23 September 2023.
With the HNC series, Universität Hamburg aims to further deepen university partnerships, to develop sustainable ideas for future projects in the international academic field, and to explore new areas of cooperation between our universities. Representatives of MIN and UHH as well as of partner universities will take part in the HNC:
Representative of MIN: Dr. Janie Wermter
GAIN23 annual conference
The Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences (MIN) will take part in the GAIN23 annual conference. The conference is a German science and research higher education fair for all areas of research.
Date: 25 August - 27 August 2023
Place: Boston, USA
German Research Fair - for graduate, PhD & Postdoc students from Japan
Representatives of the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences (MIN) will take part in the German Research Fair for graduates, PhD and Postdoc students from Japan, organized by the DWIH Tokyo (German Centre for Research and Innovation Tokyo)
Japanese graduates, doctoral and postoc students who want to do research at a German university or research institute and would like to find out more about doctoral programs, post-doctoral positions, scholarships and research funding are invited to join the virtual German Research Fair to get in contact with representatives of the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Science at Universität Hamburg.
Date: 27 April 2023, 9:00 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Place: online
Virtual fair booth at the German Research Fair 2023
Coordination: Dr. Janie Wermter
Greetings on the occasion of the International Women's Day 2023
THe MIN Faculty sends you greetings on the occasion of today's International Women's Day and would like to invite you to share your ideas and suggestions for workshops and events for women scientists and international researchers. If you are interested in networking or other support in this context, please feel free to let us know.
Best wishes
Dr. Janie Wermter (Internationalization and Support for doctoral and early Career Researchers)
Henriette Ullmann (Equal Opportunity)
Delegation of Macquarie University at the MIN-Faculty
On Thursday, March 2, 2023, a delegation from Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia, visited the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences (MIN) at universität Hamburg. The focus of the delegation visit of the Faculty of Science and Engineering of Macquarie University was to establish a master cooperation and joint PhD with the MIN Faculty. Dean Prof. Dr. Norbert Ritter, Vice-Dean Prof. Dr. Kai Jensen and the Advisors for internationalization and promotion of young scientists, Dr. Janie Wermter and Dr. Anne Catherin Zappe welcomed the Macquarie delegation.
At the end of the visit, Vice-Chancellor Professor Bruce Dowton and President Prof. Dr. Hauke Heekeren signed the renewal of a university-wide agreement for the exchange of research-oriented master's students .: Delegation from Macquarie University (in German).
Contact and coordination at MIN: Dr. Janie Wermter
Archive: Events 2022
Delegation of Macquarie University at the MIN-Faculty
Virtual Career Fair - Research in Germany
Attend our virtual fair on academic research careers in Germany! The “Research in Germany” initiative is offering an exciting fair focused on research careers in Germany.
Take the next step on your career ladder and broaden your scientific experience in one of the world’s most research-focused countries. Meet online with representatives of Universität Hamburg (UHH), the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences (MIN) and the Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability (CEN) of Universität Hamburg on June 23rd 2022. Meet online with representatives of MIN, CEN, and UHH and learn about researching at MIN/CEN/UHH, PhD, and postdoctoral positions, and research funding opportunities, living in Hamburg, and a lot more. For more details and to register, visit: RiG virtual career Fair.
Date: June 23, 2022, Time: 15:00-19:00 (CEST), 09:00am - 01:00pm (EDT)
Organizer: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Location: virtuell
Target region: North and South America and selected countries in Europe
Target group: from PhD candidates to postdocs
DAAD Online Talk Series: Doctorate opportunities in Germany
Join the online talk and find out how to do your doctorate in Germany, how to find a supervisor, write a proposal and find funding opportunities.
Registration for the online talk
Date: 31 May 2022, 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm (CEST)
Organizer: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Location: Online
- Dr.-Ing. Claudia Eggert, Member of the Presidential Board, in charge of research coordinaton, international cooperation and the support for doctoral and early career researchers, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM)
- Dr. Janie Wermter, Advisor for internationalisation and support for doctoral and early career researchers, Universität Hamburg, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences
- Alissa Aarts, Human Resources Development and Recruiting department at Forschungszentrum Jülich
- Swati Srivastava, doctoral candidate, Heidelberg Institute of Global Health, University of Heidelberg
Archive: Research in Germany (RiG) online Research Week
Dear graduates, dear doctoral candidates,
Are you a Chinese graduate or doctoral candidate and interested in conducting your research, i.e. your doctorate, at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences (MIN faculty) of Universität Hamburg?
Then you are very welcome to attend our online presentation about conducting your research at the MIN faculty from 18 April to 22 April 2022. This presentation is part of the Research in Germany (RiG) online Research Week (in Chinese and English).
Individual consultations with representatives of the MIN faculty and Universität Hamburg to learn about doing your PhD at the MIN faculty, doctoral research, and funding opportunities take place on 22 April 2022. We will announce time slots shortly here.
Organizers: DAAD branch office in Peking and Hamburg Liaison Office in Shanghai
Online presentation: "Doing your Research at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences": 18 April - 22 April 2022, Dr. Janie Wermter.
Individual consultation: 22 April 2022, 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. (CEST) by Dr. Janie Wermter (MIN) and Dr. Fabian Falter (UHH)
Coordination: Dr. Janie Wermter
Archive: MIT European Career Fair
The MIT European Career Fair is the largest European higher education fair in the USA. Participants are graduate students, doctoral students and postdocs from MIT, as well as other institutions in the Boston area.
Date: February 17, 2022
Place: Online
Participants: ca. 1.000 (expected)
Coordination: Dr. Anne-Catherin Zappe
Archive: PhD Workshops China 2022 - Virtual Event
Dear postgraduate,
Are you a Chinese postgraduate and so you plan to take your research, i.e. your doctorate at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences (MIN Faculty) of Universität Hamburg, Germany?
Then you are very welcome to attend our presentation on conducting your research at the MIN Faculty on 17 November at 4.15 p.m. That presentation is part of the Virtual PhD Workshop China 2022 with the topic: Doing your (post)doctoral Research at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences (MIN) at Universität Hamburg,
Please make an appointment to meet with representatives of the MIN Faculty in order to learn about doing your doctorate at the MIN Faculty, or doing research at MIN as well as about funding opportunities. For more details and to register for a personal appointment, please visit: Virtual PhD Workshop China 2022 (in Chinese).
Contact and coordination: Dr. Janie Wermter
Archive: Events 2021
Archive: Virtual Hamburg Networking Conference (HNC)
The Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences (MIN) will take part in the Virtual Hamburg Networking Conference (HNC) from October 18th till October 22nd.
"With the HNC series, Universität Hamburg aims to further deepen university partnerships, to develop sustainable ideas for future projects in the international academic field, and to explore new areas of cooperation between our universities".
Virtual presentation MIN: Dr. Janie Wermter
Archive: AAC&U Global Learning Conference
The MIN Faculty took part in the Global Learning Conference which was held on October 7-9, 2021, organized by the Association of American Colleges & Universities (AAC&U).
Contribution title: "Enhancing Graduate Education through Transatlantic Collaboration: A Math Case Study"
- Primary Presenter: Jennifer Gerz-Escandon, PhD – Academic Affairs Division, University of North Carolina System
- Co-Presenter: Dr. Janie Wermter – Advisor for Internationalization and Support for Doctoral and Early Career Researchers, MIN faculty, Universität Hamburg
- Co-Presenter: Jan Frömming – Deputy section head: Strategy & Partnerships, Universität Hamburg
- Co-Presenter: Jingfang Huang – Professor of Mathematics and Director of Graduate Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Funded by the International Virtual Academic Collaboration with a 50,000€ grant, UHH and UNC-Chapel Hill will support three research-based courses in 2022: one offered by UNC-Chapel Hill, one offered by Universität Hamburg, and a joint course offered by both institutions. It will benefit the collaboration between Universität Hamburg’s Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Natural Sciences and The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC)’s Department of Mathematics in the College of Arts and Sciences. Read more about it at UNC-Chapel Hill's website.
Archive: Study in Germany Virtual Fair - MENA
Are you interested in studying or doing research at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences (MIN) at Universität Hamburg (UHH)?
Then we would like to welcome you to the Virtual Fair MENA (Middle East and North Africa region) to meet our MIN faculty and DAAD representatives online who will answer your questions via booth or private chat.
You will also meet our international graduated from the MIN Faculty who will share their experiences with you.
When? 16 June 2021 from 2 pm – 6 pm (CEST - Central European Summer Time). All important information about the fair can be found in the overview.
Coordinator: Dr. Janie Wermter
Archive: Virtual Career Fair "Research in Germany"
Interested in doing research in the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences (MIN) in Hamburg?
Meet online with representatives of the MIN Faculty and learn about doing research in the MIN Faculty, positions for PhD students and postdoctoral researchers, and funding opportunities. Our target groups are from the MIN fields of research (Graduates, PhD students and post-docs).
We are looking forward to meeting you at the virtual career fair on June 24th, 3 pm–7 pm.
Archive: Virtual PhD-Event with the Liaison Office Shanghai: "Doing a PhD in Hamburg"
Dear doctoral candidates,
Are you a Chinese postgraduate or PhD candidate and do you think of taking your doctorate at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences (MIN Faculty) of Universität Hamburg, Germany?
Then meet online with representatives of the MIN Faculty and Universität Hamburg on Friday, 16th April 2021 at 10:00-11:30 German time and 16:00-17:30 Chinese time and learn about research and funding opportunities at the MIN Faculty.
Coordinator: Dr. Janie Wermter
Archive: MIT European Career Fair
The MIT European Career Fair is the largest European higher education fair in the USA. In 2021, the event will be held online due to the Corona pandemic. On the virtual platform, European exhibitors will meet highly qualified graduates, PhD students and postdocs from top universities such as MIT, Harvard or Yale.
Date: 25.02.2021
Coordinator: Dr. Elisabeth Trepesch
Archive: PhD Workshops China 2021 - Virtual Event
Dear postgraduate,
Are you a Chinese postgraduate and so you plan to take your research, i.e. your doctorate at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences (MIN Faculty) of Universität Hamburg, Germany?
Then you are very welcome to attend our presentation on conducting your research at the MIN Faculty on 16 November. That presentation is part of the Virtual PhD Workshop China 2021.
Please make an appointment to meet with representatives of the MIN Faculty in order to learn about doing your doctorate at the MIN Faculty, or doing research at MIN as well as about funding opportunities. For more details and to register for a personal appointment, please visit: Virtual PhD Workshop China 2021 (in Chinese).
Contact and coordination: Dr. Janie Wermter
Archive: Events 2020
Archive: STEM Virtual Fair November 2020
Interested in doing research in the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences (MIN) in Hamburg?
Meet online with representatives of the MIN Faculty and learn about doing research in the MIN Faculty, positions for PhD students and postdoctoral researchers, and funding opportunities. Our target groups are from the MIN fields of research.
We are looking forward to meeting you at the virtual fair on November 24th, 8 am–12 pm.
For more information: see the agenda presentation
Virtual Presentation STEM 2020
Archive: Online International Graduate Scholarship Fair (IGSF) November 2020
From November 13 to November 15, 2020, the International Graduate Scholarship Fair 2020 was organized by China Scholarship Council (CSC).
For more information: see the flyer.
Archive: Virtual GAIN August 2020
On August 28 and 29, 2020, the Annual Conference and Talent Fair of the German Academic International Network (GAIN) was once again the largest annual meeting for German researchers and scientists outside Europe. The meeting, organized by the DAAD, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, and the DFG in cooperation with other scientific organizations, focused on the careers of young researchers and issues of science policy.
Archive: Virtual Career Fair July 2020
Interested in doing research in the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences (MIN) in Hamburg?
Meet online with representatives of the MIN Faculty as well as with PIs and spokespersons of both Research Training Groups (RTG) of the Department of Biology 'Biota-mediated effects on Carbon cycling in Estuaries' (BiCEst) and RTG 2583 of the Department of Mathematics 'Modeling, Simulation and Optimization with Fluid Dynamic Applications'.
Learn about doing research in the MIN Faculty, positions for PhD students and postdoctoral researchers, and funding opportunities. Our target groups are from the MIN fields of research.
We are looking forward to meeting you at the virtual fair on July 7th, 9 am–1 pm.
Archive: Events 2019
Archive: Virtual Career Fair 2019
Dear doctoral candidates and prospective postdoctoral researchers,
Do you think of taking your doctorate or have you completed your doctoral degrees and plan to continue your research at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences (MIN Faculty) of Universität Hamburg, Germany? , then meet online with representatives of the MIN Faculty and the Hamburg Research Academy on 5 November 2019 from 9 am-1 pm and learn about research and funding opportunities at the MIN Faculty.
We are looking forward to meeting you at the virtual fair on November 5th, 9 am–1 pm.
Archive: PhD Workshops China 2019
Dear doctoral candidates,
Are you a Chinese postgraduate or PhD candidate and do you think of taking your doctorate at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences (MIN Faculty) of Universität Hamburg, Germany? Then meet with representatives of the MIN Faculty on 23rd -24th November 2019 in Beijing, or on 26th November in Shanghai and learn about research and funding opportunities at the MIN Faculty.
For more details, visit: PhD Workshop China and PhD Workshop China 2019 Catalogue.
Archive: Events 2017
Archive: International Staff Training Week: Internationalization of MIN Subjects
From 12 June until 16 June 2017 the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences (MIN) of Universität Hamburg (UHH) hosted an International Staff Training Week. This was the first such event the Faculty has hosted. The program included workshops as well as presentations and discussion on experiences, challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of internationalization.
For more information: see the flyer or go to: Archive: International Staff Training Week