Equal opportunity representatives
The Equal Opportunity Representatives of the faculty and the departments are elected by the Faculty Council for a period of three years upon proposal of Equal Opportunities Conferences of the departments. All scientific staff members can be put up for election.
With the distribution list of the Equal Opportunity Officer of the MIN Faculty, all equal opportunities officers can be reached by e-mail.
Gleichstellungsbeauftragte at min.uni-hamburg.de(gleichstellungsbeauftragte"AT"min.uni-hamburg.de)
Equal Opportunity Representative of the Faculty
MIN-Equal Opportunity Representative
Dr. Esther Diekhof
Institute of Cell and Systems Biology of Animals
Tel. +49 40 42838-3931
Term: 15.11.23-14.11.26
Deputy MIN-Equal Opportunity Representative
Dr. Monika Körs
Chemical Analysis Laboratory
Tel.: +49 40 42838 4358
Term: 15.11.23-14.11.26
Department of Biology
Dr. Esther Diekhof Institute of Cell and Systems Biology of Animals esther.diekhof@uni-hamburg.de Tel. +49 40 42838-3931 Term: 20.09.23-19.09.26 |
Dr. Maren Heese Institute of Plant Science and Microbiology maren.heese@uni-hamburg.de Tel: +49 40 42816-761 Term: 01.04.23-31.03.26 |
Dr. Nicole Funk Institute of Marine Ecosystem and Fishery Science nicole.smialek@uni-hamburg.de Tel. +49 40 42838-6648 Term: 24.08.22-23.08.25 |
Department of Chemistry
Dr. Felix Brieler
Institute of Inorganic and Applied Chemistry
Tel.: +49 40 42838-4308
Term: 15.12.21-14.12.24
Dr. Monika Körs Chemical Analysis Laboratory monika.koers@uni-hamburg.de Tel.: +49 40 42838 4358 Term: 15.12.21-14.12.24 |
Dr. Birgit Hankiewicz Institute of Physical Chemistry birgit.hankiewicz@uni-hamburg.de Tel: +49 40 42838-8347 Term: 15.12.21-14.12.24 |
Prof. Dr. Ralph Holl Institute of Organic Chemistry ralph.holl@uni-hamburg.de Tel.: +49 40 42838-2825 Term: 15.12.21-14.12.24 |
Department of Earth System Sciences
PD Dr. Claudia Vanelle
Institute of Geophysics
Tel.: +49 40 42838 5055
Term: 18.12.24-17.12.27
Dr. Yvonne Milker (1. Deputy) Institute for Geology yvonne.milker@uni-hamburg.de Tel.: +49 40 42838-5029 Term: 18.12.24-17.12.27 |
Dr. Janina Dannenberg
Dr. Alexa Griesel |
Prof. Dr. Bernd Leitl Meteorological Institute bernd.leitl@uni-hamburg.de Tel.: +49 40 42838-5093 Term: 18.12.24-17.12.27 |
Jihye Jeong Research Unit Sustainability and Global Change jihye.jeong@uni-hamburg.de Term: 18.12.24-17.12.27 |
Dr. Lea Scharff Institute of Geophysics lea.scharff@uni-hamburg.de Tel.: +49 40 42838 2971 Term: 18.12.24-17.12.27 |
Department of Informatics
Dr. Daniel Moldt
Theoretical Informatics (ART)
Tel.: +49 40 428 83-2247
Term: 11.10.23-10.10.26
Prof. Dr. Simone Frintrop CV Research Group simone.frintrop@uni-hamburg.de Tel.: +49 40 428 83-2589 Term: 11.10.23-10.10.26 |
Prof. Dr. Judith Simon Ethics in Information Technology (EIT) judith.simon@uni-hamburg.de Tel.: +49 40 428 83-2020 Term: 11.10.23-10.10.26 |
Prof. Dr. Eva Bittner Information Systems, Socio-Technical Systems Design (WISTS) eva.bittner@uni-hamburg.de Tel: +49 40 42883-2409 Term: 11.10.23-10.10.26 |
Prof. Dr. Petra Berenbrink Theoretical Informatics (ART) berenbrink@informatik.uni-hamburg.de Tel.: +49 40 42883-2174 Term: 11.10.23-10.10.26 |
Website of the Equal Opportunity Representatives of the Department of Informatics
Department of Mathematics
Prof. Dr. Andrea Blunck Geo – Geometry andrea.blunck@math.uni-hamburg.de Tel.: +49 40 42838-5160 Term: 24.05.23-23.05.26 |
Prof. Dr. Jens Rademacher AM – Applied Mathematics jens.rademacher@uni-hamburg.de Tel.: +49 40 42838-5122 Term: 24.05.23-23.05.26 |
Prof. Dr. Birgit Richter AZ - Algebra and Number Theory birgit.richter@uni-hamburg.de Tel.: +49 40 42838-5173 Term: 24.05.23-23.05.26 |
Dr. Leonie Selk ST – Mathematical Statistics and Stochastic Processes leonie.selk@uni-hamburg.de Term: 24.05.23-23.05.26 |
Prof. Dr. Paul Wedrich AZ - Algebra and Number Theory paul.wedrich@uni-hamburg.de Tel.: +49 40 42838-5181 Term: 24.05.23-23.05.26 |
Prof. Dr. Winnifried Wollner AM – Applied Mathematics winnifried.wollner@uni-hamburg.de Tel.: +49 40 42838-4079 Term: 24.05.23-23.05.26 |
Department of Physics
Prof. Dr. Daniela Pfannkuche I. Institute for Theoretical Physics pfannkuche@physnet.uni-hamburg.de Tel.: +49 40 42838-2391 Term: 28.08.24-27.08.27 |
Dr. Pia Jakobus Hamburg Observatory pia.jakobus@hs.uni-hamburg.de Term: 28.08.24-27.08.27 |
PD Dr. Jens Wiebe Institute for Nanostructure and Solid State Physics jens.wiebe@physnet.uni-hamburg.de Tel.: +49 40 42838-3282 Term: 28.08.24-27.08.27 |
Prof. Dr. Jan Louis II. Institute for Theoretical Physics jan.louis@desy.de Tel +49 40 42838-2261 Term: 28.08.24-27.08.27 |
PD Dr. Wolfram Schmidt Hamburg Observatory wolfram.schmidt@uni-hamburg.de Tel.: +49 40 8998-8584 Term: 28.08.24-27.08.27 |
Website of the Equal Opportunity Representatives of the Department Physics