News11 February 2025|MIN-enQuantum-inspired computing drives major advance in simulating turbulencePhoto: Jaksch groupAn international research team assembled from the Universities of Oxford, Pittsburgh, Hamburg and Cornell have pioneered a new approach to simulate...Contribution from the news channel Advanced Imaging Highlights30 January 2025|MIN-enWith the Einstein Telescope to the beginnings of the universePhoto: MPI für Gravitationsphysik/NIKHEFTogether with cooperation partners, researchers from the Cluster of Excellence Quantum Universe at University of Hamburg are developing and testing...Contribution from the news channel Quantum Universe28 January 2025|MIN-enGlobale Vision für helikale Röntgenlaserpulse zur Beobachtung der schnellsten Bewegungen des LebensPhoto: Physical Review Research, M. IlchenIn den letzten Jahren haben Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler weltweit intensiv zusammengearbeitet, um innovative Ansätze mit...Contribution from the news channel Advanced Imaging Forschung21 January 2025|MIN-enA new frontier in understanding electron dynamics: imaging with attosecond short X-ray flashesPhoto: Stephan Kuschel, Tais GorkhoverA team of researchers from the University of Hamburg and collaborators has achieved a breakthrough by capturing images of individual nanoparticles...Contribution from the news channel Advanced Imaging Highlights6 January 2025|MIN-enNew year's greetings from the MIN Dean's OfficeThe MIN Dean's Office, represented by the Dean Prof. Dr. Norbert Ritter, wishes all students, colleagues and friends of the faculty a happy...19 December 2024|ResearchPresentation of the Mildred Dresselhaus Prize 2024Photo: Eva PetersThe winners of the 2024 Mildred Dresselhaus Prize have expressed their gratitude for the award in very moving words. Prof. Sonia Coriani from the...Contribution from the news channel Advanced Imaging of Matter16 December 2024|ResearchThe NordSalt Project: Climate Change Impacts and Biodiversity Interactions in Nordic Salt MarshesPhoto: UHH/BioThe Department of Biology at the University of Hamburg participated in the international research project NordSalt (2021-2024), which aimed to conduct...Contribution from the news channel Biology16 December 2024|PublicationResearchers succeed in controlling quantum states in a new energy rangePhoto: Elettra Sincrotrone,TriesteAn international team of scientists, with participation of DESY and the cluster of excellence "CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter" has succeeded in...Contribution from the news channel Advanced Imaging Highlights5 December 2024|MIN-enAuf der Spur der MedikamententaxisPhoto: DESY, Marvin SkibaWie gelangen Krebsmedikamente sicher an ihr Ziel? Ein internationales Forschungsteam hat an der Röntgenlichtquelle PETRA III eine Methode getestet...Contribution from the news channel Advanced Imaging Forschung13 November 2024|PublikationWatching protein cross-linkers break – and reform remarkably fastPhoto: Jessica HarichAn international team of scientists has used extremely short X-ray flashes to understand the first steps in the light-induced breaking of disulfide...Contribution from the news channel Advanced Imaging Highlights5 November 2024|PublicationMystery of Supersonic Turbulence SolvedPhoto: Evan Scannapieco et al. (2024)Which clumps of interstellar gas will collapse under gravity to form stars and which clumps will not? This is related to a key problem in turbulence...Contribution from the news channel Research Highlight25 October 2024|ResearchTowards new reaction pathways: insights on molecular dynamics in the ultrashort time window following UV excitationPhoto: Nicoletta CalegariThe Attosecond Science group at the Center for Free-Electron Laser Science has developed a novel light source capable of producing extremely short...Contribution from the news channel Advanced Imaging Highlights23 October 2024|ResearchDetailed study of collisions with top quarks points to unknown structurePhoto: CMS CollaborationA group of scientists from the University of Hamburg’s cluster of excellence Quantum Universe and DESY in collaboration with the University of...Contribution from the news channel Research Highlight17 October 2024|PublikationPaenilamicins represent a promising new class of antibioticsPhoto: UHH/WilsonPaenilamicins are compounds that are effective against various bacterial pathogens. Researchers led by the Department of Chemistry at the University...16 October 2024|CampusPanofsky Prize for Eckhard Elsen and Robert KlannerPhoto: UHH/FIASNext spring, particle physicists Eckhard Elsen and Robert Klanner will be awarded the W.K.H. Panofsky Prize in Experimental Particle Physics by the...Contribution from the news channel Quantum Universe9 October 2024|ForschungHow the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics is linked to Quantum Universe researchPhoto: Johan Jarnestad/The Royal Swedish Academy of SciencesThe 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to John J. Hopfield (Princeton University, USA) and Geoffrey E. Hinton (University of Toronto...Contribution from the news channel Quantum Universe2 October 2024|EventNew webinar series on mental healthPhoto: PixabayThe Clusters of Excellence at the University of Hamburg have joined forces to provide a more extensive webinar offer on mental health. Together with...Contribution from the news channel Advanced Imaging of Matter24 September 2024|PublikationPhysicists employ ion microscope to observe unusual collisions in slow-motionPhoto: UHH, AG SchmelcherWith the help of a novel ion microscope experiment, researchers at the Universities of Stuttgart and Hamburg have observed and understood the...Contribution from the news channel Advanced Imaging Highlights24 September 2024|ForschungAnother Step towards a Storage Ring-based Gravitational Wave ObservatoryPhoto: Schmirander, T. et al. (2024)In a unique collaboration of the Hamburg Observatory and the Institute of Experimental Physics of the University of Hamburg, which was fostered by the...Contribution from the news channel Research Highlight24 September 2024|ForschungLHC experiments observe quantum entanglement at the highest energy yetPhoto: CERNFor the first time, quantum entanglement has been observed at energies as high as 13 TeV. This remarkable result stems from top quark measurements by...Contribution from the news channel Research HighlightShow all news