International AffairsWelcome to the International Affairs' Homepage of the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences of Universität Hamburg! Photo: UHH/von WiedingStudentsGuide for incoming Students and international Mobility Programs Incoming> Welcome Buddy Program> Outgoing>Photo: UHH/WohlfahrtDoctoral ResearchersNew in Hamburg, Welcome Buddy Services and international Mobility New in Hamburg > MIN Welcome Buddy Program > UHH Welcome Service > Outgoing> Photo: UHH/FröbaVisiting Scholars & Academic HostsPlanning a Research Stay at MIN Faculty and Research Funding Programs Visiting Scholars and Academic Hosts > MIN Welcome Services > UHH Welcome Service >Photo: UHH/OhmeInternational Cooperation (MoU)Establishing and structuring an international cooperationPhoto: UHH/VonWiedingLecturersResearch funding opportunities for mobility and lectureships abroad and project funding Research funding/grants > Exchange and CooperationPhoto: UHH/EsfandiariInternational EventsOverview of upcoming and previous international events