Registration for incoming doctoral researchers at the MIN Faculty* indicates a required field.Prospective and doctoral researchers from abroad, looking for a Welcome Buddy to help them to get a good start with their doctorate at MIN faculty and life in Hamburg, please register here. Please note: This service is offered exclusively to international doctoral researchers at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences.Surname*First nameGenderPlease select female male -NationalityYear of birth*Home universityDoctoral subjectPlease select biology chemistry earth system sciences informatics mathematics physicsDoctoral supervisor*Enrolled in semester ...Please select 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 or moreModel of doctoratePlease select Individual doctoral program Structured doctoral programLanguage skills*Interests and hobbies* Special requestsWhen will you arrive in Hamburg?*Email address*I agree that my personal information will be used for the purpose of a buddy placement. yes16 + 5 = *Copy of formI consent to my data being used to send the following information by email for the purpose of responding to my inquiry:Copy of my requestWelcome Buddy Serviceyes noData protection*I consent to the University of Hamburg, in this case: Abteilung 2, using my data for the following purpose(s): a buddy placement. The data will be deleted 365 days after processing is completed. I understand that I may withdraw my consent from Abteilung 2 at any time with future effect. Revocation of my consent does not affect any previous processing of data and information.More information on data processing.SEND