Student Mobility Programs
You are enrolled at MIN Faculty and would like to spend a longer period abroad or carry out an internship during your studies? You are wondering how you can finance it?
This page provides various subject-specific mobility funding opportunities for a study period abroad, an internship and Summer Schools.
There are many good reasons for a study phase, an internship or a summer school abroad. You can for example ...
- Make foreign courses and exams part of your degree
- Broaden your professional perspectives
- Get to know new people and cultures
- Improve your foreign language skills
- Experience an exciting time and learn for life!
On request, we offer individual counselling to students of the MIN faculty who are interested in study-related periods abroad. If you want to clarify further questions, we are happy to assist you with information and tips about suitable decentral study abroad funding opportunities or travel subsidies.
Information events in the summer semester of 2024 on the topic of studying abroad.
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