MIN Visiting Scholars' Hosts
Preparing for the visiting scholar's arrival
1. Before the visiting scholar's arrival
A visiting scholar from abroad must find an academic host at the MIN faculty who is willing to host him or her for a research stay. A visiting scholar from abroad has applied for a temporary research stay or visit. Some aspects need to be considered before starting the stay.
Hosting agreement
The hosting agreement is required for the visa application of third-country national researchers. If the prospective employee intends to apply for an EU Blue Card, it is not necessary to issue a hosting agreement in addition to the host contract.
The Hosting Agreement can be issued by the Human Resources Department if international researchers are to have an employment contract with the Universität Hamburg. Otherwise, please contact the MIN-Dekanat or the relevant head of department.
Rights and privileges of visiting scholars
You can find everything about the topic of guest rights on the KUS-Portal.
Visiting scholars agreement
For stays of a certain number of weeks or more, international researchers at the Universität Hamburg require a visiting scholars agreement. The template as well as further information on the topic can be found on the KUS-Portal.
For the issuing of a visiting scholars agreement, please contact the MIN-Dekanat or the relevant head of department.
2. Practical Guide for visiting Scholars
Please consult the Practical Guide for MIN visiting Scholars. It contains important information on visa applications for your academic visit, formalities in Germany such as registering with the local authorities, health insurance, and finding accommodation, etc.
3. Guidelines for ensuring good scientific practice
Academic hosts must ensure that visiting scholars are aware of Universität Hamburg's guidelines for ensuring good scientific practice.
Funding opportunities for visiting scholars
There are various ways of managing funding for your research stay or visit. If you are a visiting scholar from abroad who plans to carry out a research stay or visit at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences (MIN facutly) at Universität Hamburg.
Please consult the notes on funding for visiting scholars on the Staff Service Portal of Universität Hamburg where notes on granting visiting scholar status are also available.
We have also compiled some information on funding opportunities for visiting scientists from abroad:
- The MIN Graduate Center (MINGZ) offers funding for an insight stay with the MIN faculty at Universität Hamburg to explore the possibility of doing your doctoral studies in Hamburg, with a maximum duration of one month. Applications in English or German may be submited by your supervisor to mingz"AT"uni-hamburg.de on an ongoing basis. Applications are processed within two to four weeks.
- If a partnership exists between your university and Universität Hamburg, please inquire with your home International Office, whether funding programmes aimed at your researchers are available for a research stay or visit for a limited period of time at Universität Hamburg.
- Funding organisations or databases: If you are looking for research fellowships or funding programmes, you may find funding organisations that support international visiting scholars' stays or visits at a German University or research institution here.
Funding your Research in Germany
Information about grants, fellowships and awards for international PhD students and researchers: Funding your Research in Germany
MIN Graduate Center (MINGZ)
MIN Graduate Center (MINGZ) offers funding for insight visits, during which international applicants can get acquainted with the research environment at Universität Hamburg and carry out their first joint research activities with the university's supervisors and research teams.
Alexander von Humboldt
AvH programs: Check here for researchers coming to Germany (postdoctoral researchers, junior research group leaders, experienced researchers, and internationally recognised cutting-edge researchers).
Catholic Academic Exchange Services (KAAD)
Scholarship program for researchers from Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America who want to acquire a master’s degree or a PhD at a German university or do a post-doctoral research project (2-6 months for established university lecturers) at a German university.
KAAD is working with focus- and partner countries in your region. There are so-called Partner Committees in these countries and applications are channelled via them.
DAAD Programs and Funding
- Bilateral Exchange of Academics
To improve international relations and bilateral research cooperations between German and foreign universities, the DAAD supports exchanges of scientists and academics from partner countries. The basis of these exchanges are cultural exchange programmes and bilateral agreements with foreign partner organisations.
- Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience (PRIME)
The fellowships funded by the P.R.I.M.E programme combine a 12-months mobility phase abroad with a 6-months re-integration phase in Germany, to ensure further integration into the German system of science and research. - Research Stays for University Academics and Scientists
DAAD grants provide foreign academics and scientists with an opportunity to carry out research and continue their education in Germany. There are funding programmes for various qualification phases and stages in a career.
Guest lecturers from all regions of the world and all subjects are encouraged.
(Website only in German)
DFG Programs and Funding
The Mercator Fellows for Guest Professorships at German Universities is a program of the German Research Foundation (DFG). The Mercator Fellowship can be applied for within the framework of project funding for researchers in Germany. Alternatively, the module can also be applied for by the coordinators of research groups and priority programs on behalf of the project teams.
Research directory of the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Here, you can structure your search according to subject area. Then select the desired research area from the offered selection as well as the research location (Hamburg).
This funding instrument serves to establish collaborative relationships between international partners. Available modules are: “Exploratory Workshops”, “Trips Abroad” and “Guest Visits”.
The Emmy Noether Programme supports postdocs with at least two years of experience and international experience by enabling them to lead their own junior research group and qualify for scientific leadership roles, with a funding duration of five to six years.
EURAXESS Database: For information about funding programs for incoming researchers look here.
Fulbright Programs
- Fulbright Specialist Program
Opportunities to collaborate with professional counterparts on curriculum and faculty development, institutional planning and a variety of other activities. Duration: 14 - 42 days. - Fulbright Intercountry Lectureship Program
The Intercountry Lectureship Program sponsors guest lecturers at German universities.
Leibniz-Junior Research Groups
The Leibniz-Junior Research Groups programme enables postdocs worldwide, whose PhD was awarded no more than five years ago, to lead their own research projects, establish themselves in their field, and network and further their professional development through the "Leibniz Best Minds Network."
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
This Research Fellowship Programme of the European Commission supports researchers at all stages of their careers, irrespective of nationality. Researchers working across all disciplines, from life-saving healthcare to 'blue-sky' science, are eligible for funding. The MSCA also support industrial doctorates, combining academic research study with work in companies etc.
Welcome Package
Visiting scholars may pick up a Welcome Package for International Visitors from Hamburg Welcome Center (HWC). Hamburg Welcome Center Opening hours: |
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