ERC Consolidator Grant for the project: LINCHPIN (A platform to LINk between CHemistry and PhysIcs of colloidal Nanomaterials)
Prof. Dr. Dorota Koziej from the Department of Physics at the University of Hamburg receives research funding of two million euros for her project LINCHPIN.
Prof. Dr. Koziej investigates the chemical and physical properties of colloidal nanomaterials using X-rays.
However, this requires the prior development of a microreactor to prevent the sample from being destroyed by hard X-radiation before information can be obtained from the experiment.
The colloidal nanomaterials, finely dispersed in a liquid, in the order of nanometres to micrometres are the nitrides and sulphides of transition metals.
Applications for such newly developed materials are manifold, but in this case, research is specifically aimed at materials with advantageous properties relating to energy conversion and storage.
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