Congress and lecture tours
Funding opportunities (UHH)
Travel subsidy from Universität Hamburgs Corporate Capital for research related travel or conference attendance of doctoral students.
GAES congress and lecture tours abroad
The GAES supports congress and lecture tours of German doctoral students.
Applications for financial support for a congress abroad have to be submitted to GAES at latest four months prior to the first day of congress.
Applications for financial support for lecturing abroad have to be submitted to GAES one month before the beginning of the trip.
MIN Graduate School
The MIN Graduate School funds an attendance at a conference abroad which is relevant to the thesis topis of doctoral researchers of the MIN faculty, with a maximum duration of 5 days.
Application via Geventis
January 15 – for funding starting February 15 or later
July 15 – for funding starting August 15 or later
Stipend program of the GDCh
The GDCh supports young scientists to actively attend national or international conferences about topics related to analytical chemistry. (Only available in German)
The application must be submitted at leat 3 weeks prior to the start of the event.