Research stays
MINGZ funding
The MIN Graduate Center (MINGZ) offers doctoral students at the MIN faculty a partial funding of research stays abroad up to 2 months.
The application has to be submitted via Geventis.
Research exchanges of UHH
Research stays up to one month (or shorter) at an international partner university of UHH.
Application deadline (to be announced beginning of March): End of May for stays in the next year.
Canon Research Fellowship
The Canon Research Fellowship offers interdisciplinary financial support of a research stay in Japan lasting 3 up to 12 months (for European doctoral students).
Application deadline: mid-September
DFG funding
DFG research fellowships for research projects abroad.
Erasmus +
Erasmus+ for doctoral students
Fulbright scholarships
Fulbright scholarship offers research stays from four up to nine month at an institution in the USA. Support of young researchers at the beginning of their doctoral studies (for German doctoral students)
Application deadlines: mid-September or mid-March, concerning research stays that begin half a year later at the earliest
GAES database
Find and apply for scholarships for German doctoral students.
GAES one-year-scholarships
GAES one-year-scholarships for financial support of a stay in Western Europe, North America, Turkey, South America, Africa-Subsahara, Central-Eastern-Europe, CIS, North Africa, Arabic states, Israel, Iran, Asia, Australia/New Zealand (for German doctoral students).
The application deadlines vary to region.
GAES short term scholarships
GAES short term scholarship for financial support of a stay lasting up to six months in Western Europe, North America, South America, Africa-Subsahara, Turkey, Central-Eastern-Europe, CIS, North Africa, Arabic states, Israel and Iran (for German doctoral students)
The application deadlines vary to region.
GEnKO - Deutsch-Koreanisches Partnerschaftspogramm (GAES) (German-Korean-Partnership-Program)
GEnKO offers financial support of research stays in South Korea (for German doctoral students).
Application deadline: end of June.
Hamburglobal PhD provides funding of research stays of up to two months for doctoral students in relation to the core research areas, areas of potential or profile initiatives of Universität Hamburg.
PAJAKO - Partnerschaften mit Japan und Korea (GAES) (Partnerships with Japan and Korea)
PAJAKO offers financial support of research stays within a university cooperation in Korea and Japan lasting one year (for German doctoral students)
PPP: staff exchange of GAES
PPP offers financial support of short-time-exchanges for university staff of the partner institutions, and particularly for young researchers, to Argentina, Australia, China, India, France, Hongkong, Canada, Columbia, Croatia, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Taiwan, Czech Republic, Hungary and the USA (for German doctoral students).
Application deadlines vary to region.
The SPACES II programme offers short-term research fellowships to doctoral candidates who want to conduct their research in Angola, Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Zambia or South Africa and complete their doctorate in Germany. (Website only in German)
PhD students who would like to work in one of the marine SPACES II projects under the topic of Earth System Management in one of these fields are eligible to apply:
1. Environmental sciences
2. Coastal and marine sciences
3. Geology
Applications can be submitted continuously, at least 2.5 months before the desired start of studies.