Teacher training programs
Depending on the type of school aspiring teachers wish to work at, teaching programs comprise two teaching subjects, educational theory, and didactics. Information on careers in teaching and teacher training degrees is available from the Zentrum für Lehrkräftebildung Hamburg.
Of course, you can also study our subjects as part of your training. There is currently a shortage of teachers in many of these subjects. Please see here for an overview of employment opportunities.
In Hamburg, there is particular demand for teachers in Gymnasien (upper secondary level) in the subjects of mathematics, physics, and chemistry.
At lower secondary level and in special needs schools, the chances of securing a teaching position are particularly good in physics, chemistry, and mathematics.
At vocational schools, subject combinations including informatics and mathematics are in particularly high demand. For subject combination and program details, please see the Faculty of Education website.
Further subject-specific information is available from the respective departments:
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Geography
- Informatics
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Commercial-technical subjects (health sciences, cosmetic science, food and domestic science, chemical engineering)